(as of 12/31/24)

Our mission remains steadfast during this challenging time, as we continue to serve the children and families in our community. 

2024 Highlights, by the numbers:

  • 337—Area students are currently enrolled to receive weekly packs.

  • 150—Families applied to obtain monthly Family Fare vouchers to purchase bread, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, meat and cheese.

  • 112—Families received $5 in coupons per child per week to shop at the 2024 Vicksburg Farmers’ Market from mid-May through September for fruit, vegetables, meat and cheese.

  • 233—Elementary, middle and high school students received backpacks, school supplies, earbuds/earphones, hygiene items and snacks during and after the Back to School Bonanza in August-a joint effort of Generous Hands and South County Community Services.

  • 116—Students at Sunset Lake, Tobey and Indian Lake elementary schools received a pair of athletic shoes from the First Day Shoe Fund organization, sponsored by Generous Hands.

  • 181—Individuals (114 children) attended the December Holiday Party, held at the Vicksburg United Methodist Church, enjoying a pancake breakfast, a visit with Santa, gingerbread house decorating, a craft project and snack bag from Meijer, shopping for toys (some donated by Dollar General of Vicksburg) and choosing books (many donated by local Gilbert and Ivy bookstore and others).  This was a joint effort by South County Community Services and Generous Hands. 

  • 43—Individuals were honored with memorial donations.

  • 202—Volunteers shopped for, packed, distributed on site or delivered food to homes/blessing boxes, stocked shelves/bins, wrote thank you notes and worked after-hour events (Back to School Bonanza, Annual Community Schools Tailgate, Transportation Safety Carnival, Harvest Festival, Iceburg Festival and Christmas Party) in 2024. 

  • 17,864.2#—Food donations

  • 1880.19#—Non-food donations


Generous Hands, Inc. is a small, non-profit organization, based in Vicksburg, Michigan, committed to helping families in time of need. In 2004 ten women in a local Bible study made a commitment to Vicksburg children to provide backpacks of food to those at risk to go hungry on the weekends. Our plan was simple, our concern was genuine, and the Vicksburg community supported us every inch of the way. That first year, twenty children at Sunset Lake Elementary School benefited from our commitment. Expansion to all five schools in the Vicksburg Community Schools district resulted in exponential growth of the Friday Pack program, so that during the 2015-2016 school year, over 330 Vicksburg children, and 148 children in surrounding communities received weekly backpacks of food.

Generous Hands provides other benefits to the Vicksburg community as well. We have educated our community about hunger (more than 1 in 5 Michigan children live in poverty per 2015 Kids Count data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation). We have taught many children (and adults) about the value of community service, and provided a tangible way for concerned citizens to help hungry children. We have educated both children and adults about nutrition and what a healthy diet looks like. We have encouraged our Friday Pack families to make healthier food choices by providing weekly coupons for milk, bread, eggs, fruits and vegetables at our local Family Fare store, and coupons for meat, cheese, fruits and vegetables at our local Vicksburg Farmer's Market. Finally, we have demonstrated that difficult community problems can be addressed by concerned, ordinary people.

Generous Hands, Inc. is a small, non-profit organization, based in Vicksburg, Michigan, committed to helping families in time of need. At Generous Hands Inc. our volunteers transform compassion into action. This heartwarming video captures the incredible spirit of our dedicated volunteers. From lending a helping hand to making a lasting difference in our community, these remarkable individuals prove that generosity knows no bounds.

financial facts

July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024

  • Generous Hands paid Family Fare $72,444 for monthly vouchers redeemed by our Vicksburg families for bread, eggs, milk, fruit, vegetables meet and cheese.

  • Generous Hands spent $8,138 on food purchases from Sam’s Club, and South Michigan Food Bank.

  • Generous Hands reimbursed the Vicksburg Farmers’ Market $12,571 in 2024 for coupons redeemed by our families for fruit, vegetables, meat and cheese.

Current Board of Directors

Jan Modderman-Hui

Kay Anderson

Sandy Welch
Anne Liggett

Brittany Hagen

Carole Boal
Madeleine Lakatos Fojtik
Chris Kosiba
Shaun Hagen

Paula Schriemer, MD
Ginger Hill

Sheri Louis